Automate Invoicing & Fees, and Track Referral Data

Step 1: Automate Customer Invoicing & Payment Collection

Your referred customers will be automatically invoiced like any Enterprise customer. See the full invoicing process here.

Customers can pay their invoices by credit card (via Stripe), wire transfer, or crypto wallet.

Upon payment, Received's system automatically matches incoming payments with outstanding invoices for seamless reconciliation and automatically recognizes revenue according to ASC-606 and IFRS-15 compliance.

Step 2: Automate Referral Fee Allocation

Once the referred customer's contract is activated, referral fees will be calculated automatically and allocated according to the terms defined in the contract. To see the referral fees for a specific partner, navigate to Customers>Partners>Referrals and click on the referral partner you wish to view. Click on the 'Fees Tab' to view your partner fee allocation and status (paid, unpaid, sent, failed).

Step 3: Track Referral Data

Navigate to Customers>Partners>Referrals to get an overview of your referral data. View all referral partners, along with the customers they have referred, and a breakdown of contract value, products, churn rate, referral fees, and more.

Navigate to Customers>Partners>Referrals and click on the referral partner you wish to view. Use the 'Overview Tab' to view of the partner bookings, referred customers, fees, churn rate, and more.

Click on the 'Contracts Tab' to view all contracts with customers referred by this referral partner. See the total contract value and partner fees per customer, product breakdowns, and more.

Last updated


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